Thursday, September 17, 2009

Music script screenies

A little music script I'm working on, with visualisations, playlists, audio filters etc..

Memory leak detection

I've added memory leak detection to the IDE. If you forget to free an object, it'll show in the list which is accessible from the debug menu.

The list also shows any leaks in the IDE/engine caused by the script not destroying those objects.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I've added a way to create audio visualisation scripts. The script layout is almost identical to creating the menu animations in the previous posts. Any script can use these visualisations. I'm using the unchanged DCDSP components from DCoder with my own Direct Sound renderer filter. For some reason the TDCDSP filter didn't work very well with the scripts, causing lockups and the vis was out of sync with some files. The DCDSP components are great for various audio effects too, which are available to the scripts now, via the TgxDSPlayer. I still need to finalise the layout needed for the scripts etc. but it's working quite well.

The framerate in first 22 seconds in this vid looks a little crappy because Fraps slowed it down to 25fps and it took a while for the auto framerate to stabilise. I need to look into why it took so long..

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Stencil reflections

Stencil buffer functionality is now fully implemented for OpenGL and DirectX in the engine. Here's a video of a simple mirror plane object for the movie database..

The start of a coverflow a-like movie database script.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Menu animations so far..

A simple text ebook reader written in around 1400 lines of code (including blank lines)..

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Simple code explorer

Added a simple code explorer pane, so it's easy to navigate to functions in the script. I'll improve this later, but it works fine for what I need it for just now.


The Search/Replace is now fully functional in the IDE.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A quick cap

A quick cap of the scripts in action..


I finished adding support for themes today. Colours for various elements can be set, as well as a wallpaper image. It's entirely up to the script author if the theme is used or not.

This is a simple theme editor I've added to the IDE's tools menu.

The default blue theme..

A quickly knocked up green theme..

And a simple red theme as well..

Friday, May 22, 2009

What's working..

I thought I'd start with some screenshots of what's working just now.

A simple "Videos" Script to browse and play some videos from your drives or network shares.

A menu script kinda inspired by the Wii, the button images are real time animated 3D scenes. The animations are defined in the CreateMenuScene() and UpdateMenuScene() functions. It's really very easy to code these.

The tabbed Script IDE with integrated debugger, code completion, code formatting etc.